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Books by Professor Oleg Jefimenko

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Cover of Gravitation and CogravitationGravitation and Cogravitation Developing Newton's Theory of Gravitation to its Physical and Mathematical Conclusion
(Electret Scientific, 2006, 367 pages)
Electrostatic ExperimentsElectrostatic Experiments
An Encyclopedia of Early Electrostatic Experiments, Demonstrations, Devices, and Apparatus,
by G.W. Francis (author),
Oleg Jefimenko (editor)
(Electret Scientific, 2005, 273 pages)
Cover of Electromagnetic Retardation and Theory of RelativityElectromagnetic Retardation and Theory of Relativity
New Chapters in the Classical Theory of Fields, 2nd Edition, (Electret Scientific, 2004, 338 pages)
Cover of Causality, Electromagnetic Induction, and GravitationCausality, Electromagnetic Induction, and Gravitation
A Different Approach to the Theory of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields, 2nd edition,
(Electret Scientific, 2000, 210 pages)
cover of Electricity and MagnetismElectricity and Magnetism
An Introduction to the Theory of Electric and Magnetic Fields, 2nd edition, (Electret Scientific, 1989, 597 pages)
cover of How to Entertain with Your Pocket CalculatorHow to Entertain with Your Pocket Calculator
Pastimes, Diversions, Games, and Magic Tricks, (Electret Scientific, 1975, 189 pages)
cover of Scientific Graphics with Lotus 1-2-3Scientific Graphics with Lotus

Curve Plotting, 3D Graphics, and Pictorial Compositions, (Electret Scientific, 1973)

Out of Print
cover of Electrostatic MotorsElectrostatic Motors
Their History, Types, and Principles
of Operation,
(Electret Scientific, 1973)

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